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Optimize pricing and trade promotions with AI-powered, always-on analytics

Demand Drivers Testing
Demand Drivers Testing1

Benefit from fast and accurate elasticity and promo lift estimates at a fraction of the cost of regular analytics solutions

What is PriceSense™?

PriceSense™ is a powerful cloud-based pricing and promotions analytics platform. Measure the impact of your pricing and trade promotions and optimize strategies in real-time with always-on elasticities and promo lifts. Leverage the power of AI and ML algorithms for faster, more cost-efficient and accurate insights. PriceSense™ automates competitor creation using ML techniques and enables scaled modeling of all Promoted Product Groups (PPGs) across markets and channels.

How Can it Help?

PriceSense™ can be used to determine price elasticity matrix, measure lifts from consumer and trade promotions, and simulate, plan and learn with the Promotion Planner tool. It can help brands answer several typical pricing and promotion related questions:

  • How elastic is my PPG or brand to pricing changes?
  • What impact on volume and value would a price increase or decrease have?
  • What is the effectiveness of my in-store promotions like e.g. Feature, Display, F&D?
  • What promotional mechanics drive highest sales volume and value?
  • How much volume do my brands cannibalize from my own portfolio?

How Does it Work?

PriceSense™ has 5 modules that deploy automation and AI to provide 50% faster time to decision compared to traditional techniques.

Manual data load & alteration via ui. supplements automated etl for new/ad hoc data
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